The training program includes a six or eight lecture course, lasting anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours in duration. Lectures are given by the editorial board members, working directly with Oris over the publishing project.

These, already acquainted with preceptions of iissiidiology, know that this is radically new and absolutely unique Knowledge. The uniqueness of its revolutionary conceptions is so diverse, that it literally covers every single scientific area of study: physics, chemistry, biology, genetics, astronomy, sociology, psychology and many others, serving as  Iissiidiology's fundamental and powerful evolutionary potential.

Course’s primary objective - to facilitate in the formation of basic Perceptions regarding the origin and functioning mechanism of Self-Consciousness, Space-Time structure, types of human consciousness evolution and its role in the formation of the Cosmos. That justifies the name of this course – “Axiomatic notions of Iissiidiology”.

The initial is an overview lecture, it is designed to help in formulating the Idea regarding the means, through which iissiidiology can offer innovations for each of the research fields of study. Cybernetics, origin of the Information, physics, philosophy, astronomy, evolution and questions of introspection are discussed.

Next three lectures cover the refocusing process peculiarities. And are devoted to the Self-Consciousness functioning mechanism. The following topics are discussed: nature of FOCUS of Self-Consciousness and Rotation functioning Mechanism. What is a Multi-polarization and skrruullerrt system, what Multiverse and scenario diversity, Skrruullerrt system structures the mechanism of the Multiverse, mechanics of our navigation and refocusing throughout multiple Worlds, and much more.

Additional lecture is devoted to the LLUU-VVU-Form discussion and determining of LLUU-VVU (True Human) development Direction characteristics throughout the entire diffusive diversity of the surrounding world.

An additional, finalizing lecture covers answers to all possible question, appeared during the training program and systematization of the studied material.